Monday, September 24, 2007


David's been hunting, & we've been able to go with him a few times. Lance loves to sit between us in the truck (since the car seat has to be between us) & have our attention while we drive.

Here is Daddy & his little helper. David actually wanted us to hike with him, which was fine with me, but I tried to tell him there was no way I could keep our little jabber box quiet. Daddy didn't mind one bit, he just wanted us to hike with him. Lance made sure any animal within earshot heard him. :) It was no surprise that we didn't see anything, but we had a good time on our little hike (even in the rain).


Jewels Rules said...

OMG he's adorable and I have a hat just like his but it's more girly colors like tourquoise and pink he he.. You guys are so cute I can't wait to see you guys in a couple months..

Anonymous said...

What a cute picture. David is such a good father I can't wait to see you all in a couple of weeks
love ya
Ruth ann

young family said...

You guys are the cutest family. I love that David just wants to be with you. Once again I love the pictures. I'm glad you are blogging.

happy mom said...

that is just sweet, it feels so good when you all want to be together, huh? You all look like some famous family in the people mag. or something, not like you just went hunting! cute family!