So I'm still prego! I saw my doc Wednesday & was informed that we would wait another week (which would be my due date) to decide if I would be induced. Talk about hopes being shattered. David was on his way home to see us & be here for the delivery. But I was so glad to be able to see him anyway. And I guess this way we got to spend all of our time with him outside of the hospital.
Lance was beyond happy to see & play with his daddy. He was David's shadow, & Daddy was so happy to be with his boy. It was so hard to watch David leave today, & Lance had a hard time going to sleep since Daddy was suddenly gone again. I'm so ready to have a baby & be able to go be with my hubby again. At least now the separation will be shorter until we see him again.
And maybe we'll have a baby sometime this week or I'll be induced on Friday. Just maybe...if only...please, please, please.
Four Months
5 years ago
So glad you enjoyed your time with your hubby and Lance had so much fun with his Daddy!
I hope things happen soon for the new baby to get here too!
Grandpa just said the old saying of "when the apples ripe it will drop". Haven't heard that one for a long time!
Will keep you in my prayers and hope you don't have to have another ceserean.
Love you so much!
I can't wait to see the new baby!!
Glad you got some time with David.
I agree with Swede "when the apple is ripe it will drop" Getting induced scared the piss out of me. Way worse then just going naturally and having no time to think about it like i did with emma. But whatever it takes to get that munchkin here. Love ya
So far you haven't taken any of my advice serioursly. Had you listened, the baby would have arrived...perhaps I'll post my advice here...ha ha ha Inside joke, fellow bloggers :)
Hey Nettie - don't you remember what it's like to be nine months pregnant? You're 'advice' is the LAST thing on your mind. Anyhoo Rachel, I hope Luke decides to come soon or you're going to be giving birth to a toddler!
Leave it to Nettie to have the 'deed' on the mind all the time! Poor Rachel. Nothing like getting ready to deliver and have the doc say nope. Annoying! Hope it all goes well this week and you post pics ASAP!
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