Anyone who wants to play...This is Fun!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember--it can be funny, weird, awkward, random, etc.!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Four Months
5 years ago
Remember when we lived together and we played Luigi's Mansion on Game Cube like 24/7 until we beat the game. Those were the days!
Remember when I told you to call the boys for dinner and you opened the basement door and yelled down the stairs......I'm commmming!!!!!
Remember when you were about 25 and you pulled my hair because you were mad at me and then ran up the stairs scared :) Okay, I'll try to come up w/ a better one...
Rachel, I have so many great memories of you! You was a beautiful little girl! When you were little I remember you and Melissa always in your Under-Rooze (I think they were called)You held the toilet plunger up, as you was saying "I pledge the ledgence to the flag" both fought over the stereo, turning up and down the sound! and you and Melissa often had battle scratches! But, I will never forget the great help you were to me when you lived in Winnemucca with us. I don't know what I would have done, while Uncle Laney lived with us when he was sick. I do remember some good laughs though! The time the dishwasher door was down and you spilled the whole pan of brocolli in it! It took awhile to get it all out as it wasn't the new kind that eats up the food in it. You felt so bad, but I thought it was so funny! You also helped me prepare for Lindsey's baptisim.
Love ya!
I remember when Russell let me stay in your parents basement one night after we had been in the mountains. I had never met anyone in the family yet and he told me his parents were in Idaho. But what he didn't tell me is that his older sister was there taking care of the boys. So the next morning I wake up smelling like campfire and looking like a joke and walk upstairs. There was Rachel, as nice as could be, but for sure thinking Russell must have been on drugs to bring this girl home. I was mortified but you were very nice to me. And p.s. Russell Stayed asleep in his room for another 2 hours while I waited.
So you get to be the nice sister, and I have to be the 'scary', skirt-ripping,hair-pulling sister. This game is stupid. Anyway, remember when we went to Dead Horse Point in "Christine"? Did we even have air-conditioning? Or how fun we had living in the blue house in Price? We ate a lot of cookies in that house. (We're not fat, we're just big-boned!)
As I just read Melissa remark! I am laughing my head off! Just love to read all the stories and the game is great! Keep it up! There will be a big fight yet!*#! And as Grandpa says "we'll sell tickets to watch!"
I could go on forever with funny things I remember...funny, nice or kinda'mean, but thats kids and lots fun!definately not boring!
Now, girls you are all nice!!! & so funny!!! I love to read your funny remarks. I'm loving it! almost as much as I love all of you! COME ON JUST KEEP IT UP! IT'S VERY ENTERTAINING! MAYBE YOU CAN WRITE A BOOK AND PUBLISH IT!
remember painting our nails with glow in the dark nail polish and puddle stompin'? That was what 1996? CRazy kids!!
well remember the first time I met you, I stalked you're bridal and wedding pictures at thanksgiving point. I think that was probably a weird thing for us to do, but showed how much we wanted to get to meet you, and see David. I have no idea what you may have thought of me, but I think I relationship has just gotten better since. I think you are wonderful!
I had fun with you at Womens conference and I am looking forward to making more memories in the years to come :)
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