Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Fair Fun
Awwwww, How Sweet!
The heart was hand-crafted with love out of an apple.
Right before he presented me with this wonderful sandwich of love :) he told me I was hot and said something very nice about my boo-tay. Don't remember what he said. Doesn't matter. All that matters is that it was nice. Don't get me wrong, I have a wonderful husband. But this kind of display of affection? Not to mention he made me a sandwich! And no ladies...he wasn't buttering me up. I had to clear that up before my sisters wrote completely inappropriate comments about my husbands good intentions.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Our One Warm(ish) Day
Here's David & Luke. He took the boys out one at a time. And didn't get much fishing in at all. He spent most of his time with Lance trying to keep him from jumping into the lake. And Luke is just so grabby that there was no way to keep the fishing pole from him. But I think they all had fun.
While David & Lance were out on the lake, I thought I would lay out a blanket for me & Luke & I could read. But as I've already mentioned, Luke is so stinkin' grabby. There would be no reading for me, but we enjoyed the sunny day relaxing on the grass. And funny enough, Luke hates grass as much as his big brother did. Put him on a blanket in the grass, and he's goin' nowhere.
Later we took the boys to the pool. David wanted to see how well the life jackets worked (just to be certain). Lance loved "fweening" in the pool with his life jacket, but Luke just kind of lay there unmoving. He was very unimpressed by his personal floatation device. His face in the next picture shows just what he thought. And if you can't tell...he's showing me his irritation (working up to mad). Lance, on the other hand, crawled aboard the S.S.Daddy because that's what dad's are for.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Last night David started reading over my shoulder as I finished up my post. He NEVER reads my blog. Has no clue what I blog about. He's not even interested. But last night when he caught a glimpse of his name, he decided he should know what I was writing about him. This brought about some discussions about what he thinks I should not blog about. I've taken his thoughts into consideration & decided to make a couple corrections.
In my last post, I mentioned a little scuffle over who got the TV remote. This made David's jaw drop open & eyes pop out of their sockets. Apparently, he thinks this would give people the idea that we watch TV. His exact words, "Now everyone is going to think we watch TV! We are not TV watchers! That makes it sound like all we do is sit around & watch TV! Oh, the horror!" Okay, he didn't say 'oh, the horror,' but he was dramatic enough that he might as well have said it. So to correct my previous error, *ahem* we would,um...never take advantage of the free cable (even though this is the only time since we were married that we have had TV), and we certainly would never, um...waste our precious time on watching TV. Nope, not us. Never. We were only fighting for the remote because, um...we were. That's all. Oh, and I should add that we, um...NEVER EVER sit on the couch. Who would do such a thing?! Yeah, in our spare time in the evenings before bed, we like to, um...do calisthenics & stuff. And I guess I should clarify that I, um...never sit down at the computer to blog. No, I would never do that. In fact, I, um...run in place while I type. Yeah, sure, that's what I do.
As for David at a spa? I don't know what I was thinking. He would never go to a girly spa. He's way too macho & masculine for that. Silly me. He would, um...never go to a spa for a relaxing massage, and, um...never sit around in a robe afterward in a room with a bunch of women all lying around on chaise loungers, some sleeping, some chatting, all drinking expensive bottled water. Why, even as I type that, it sounds way to, um...girly for David. Besides, even if he were to do that, he probably would have been so relaxed that he would drool on the sandaled foot of the masseuse. And that would be way too embarrassing. He would NEVER do that.
Whew! I feel so much better having cleared that up. ;)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Memorial Weekend - What a Dinger!
I have so many things to blog that I'll probably never catch up, but I guess I can start with our Memorial Day weekend. It was pretty much fishing, fishing, & more fishing. David can't wait to camp every weekend, but since it's still too cold to camp here, it's fishing every weekend--and some days after he gets off work. Lance runs to the door when Daddy gets home & starts getting his shoes on, all the while saying, "Go fissing. Get pole. 'Mon Daddy."
It has rained every day here for about 3 weeks, and Memorial weekend was no exception. But that did not keep my avid fishermen from enjoying a few days at the lake. The first day, I stayed home with Luke who had a fever & let the two big boys ;) go alone. It poured that day, and David put out a tarp. The two of them laid under it & waited for the bells on their poles to jingle. They would run to reel in their catches, throw them back in the lake, and run back to their shelter. Lance caught his first fish. He was extremely excited to reel it in, but would absolutely not touch it.
The next day, I made David take me with them. We drove about an hour & a half to a lake we'd never been to...only to find out there wasn't a place where you could fish from the shore. David tried to fish, but with no success. But we had fun roasting hot dogs & marshmallows. Lance played in the dirt, pretended to eat marshmallows--taking bites & spitting them on the ground, and tried to feed Luke rocks. I really only turned my back for half a second when I heard, "Here Wukey, eat wock!" I turned around to see Lance trying to shove a rock in Luke's mouth. It was a good thing Luke refused to open his mouth. Usually he eats anything in front of him.
The highlight of the day? Why that would be when I backed the van into the truck! Oopsie. And all because I was throwing a fit (which was David's fault). It was muddy, cold, windy, & rainy, and we drove an hour and a half to a lake where we couldn't even fish (David's fault). He made us take two vehicles because it's squishy in the truck, & he didn't want to go in the van (David's fault). And he picked a dumb camp site where the vehicles were parked super close to each other (David's fault). Being the mature adult that I am, I told David that he picked a dumb place, I was cold, & I was taking Luke home. Got in the van, and....David's fault. You can clearly see who's fault it was, right? Of course, I'll just let him keep thinking it's my fault. ;) Check out that dent! It actually looks much worse than the pictures show. It's a real dinger. And after all that? I had a really great time with my three boys in the cold & mud.